Google Business Profiles to stop allowing price ranges on products on February 15
Also, Google will no longer support custom call to actions.
Google Business Profiles will only allow product pricing when the price is a single price, not a range of prices, starting on February 15, 2023. Also, Google said that it will no longer allow custom call to actions in Google Business Profiles.
Google’s message. Google posted a message in the Google Business Profile products section that reads, “Price ranges and specifying a custom call to action will no longer be supported from Feb 15, 2023. Current price ranges will be removed and all landing pages will have a “Visit site” label.”
What it looks like. Darren Shaw shared this screenshot on Twitter and said “This makes it more awkward to list services in the Products section.”

Why we care. So if leverage products in Google Business Profiles and your products have pricing ranges and not fixed prices, you may need to remove the price all together or come up with a fixed price for your product listings.
Also, note the call to action change as well and be prepared for these changes on February 15, 2023.
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