Google News ‘Lite’ mode app launches for slower internet connections
A new 'lite' mode is available in India for the Google News Android app. It uses one-third of the data of the full mode.
Google announced a new “lite mode” for the Google News Android app.
This is designed for countries where they have slow mobile internet, typically 2G and 3G mobile connections. This is launching in India, and Google said they will be “rolling this out to other countries in emerging markets in the coming months.”
Here is how it looks:
The Google News app for Android in full mode, as shown above, “aggregates headlines, images and related content, making it fast and easy for people to find articles they care about,” Google said. But in Lite mode, Google will keep the “headlines and trim the rest of the components down to their essentials so that the app loads more quickly.” Google said it uses less than one-third of the data.
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