Meet The Man Who Makes Sure Google Maps Is Right has a story on Blake Stephens, the man who is responsible for many of the Google Maps edits you see on Google Maps day. In fact, this man is a member of Google Maps’ collaborative cartography corps, where users use Google Map Maker to make corrections and adjustments to the details you see on […] has a story on Blake Stephens, the man who is responsible for many of the Google Maps edits you see on Google Maps day.
In fact, this man is a member of Google Maps’ collaborative cartography corps, where users use Google Map Maker to make corrections and adjustments to the details you see on Google Maps. In a single month he made over 400 edits to Google Maps. The tool lets you make edits to add, correct, delete and describe new roads, businesses, park trails and playgrounds. The tool even lets you add layers of information on the map.
Stephens earned the title “Regional Expert Reviewer” for the state of Florida.
There are communities of volunteers helping make Google Maps more useful to searchers and users. These volunteers are key to Google Maps growth and best of all, Google provides the tools and the work is done for free.
Google holds Google Maps Geo Summits around the world to bring these volunteers together and learn about the latest Google tools and features to help improve Google Maps.
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