SearchCap: The Day In Search, December 7, 2010

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: It’s Alive: The Google Chrome OS Laptop Launch Event Google has announced that Chrome OS laptops are now available to consumers through a pilot program for early adopters who prove themselves […]


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • It’s Alive: The Google Chrome OS Laptop Launch Event

    Google has announced that Chrome OS laptops are now available to consumers through a pilot program for early adopters who prove themselves to be “right” in various ways. A Chrome Web Store has also launched to allow an easier way to run web apps within the Chrome browser itself. The news all came out during […]

  • Google Website Optimizer & URL Security Issues

    There are two different security issues around Google products over the past 12 hours or so. The first is with Google Website Optimizer where there was the potential of an Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack. The second is with people using, Google’s URL shortener, within Twitter to grab your Twitter passwords. While the second one, […]

  • Google Encouraging AdWords Expansion With Google Global Market Finder

    The Google AdWords Blog announced new tools to help advertisers expand their search ads into other countries and languages. Google released a new keyword research tool named Global Market Finder and a resource site named Google Ads for Global Advertisers for this purpose. The Global Market Finder tool will translate your keywords into languages you […]

  • Facebook 101: A Simple Guide To Understanding When & How To Use Basic Features

    Whenever I talk about Facebook at a conference, I am amazed at how many people come up afterwards and are still confused with the differences between profiles, pages, groups and the other types of entities on Facebook. Even more frequently, I see examples of corporations simply doing it wrong on Facebook and I would like […]

  • ChaCha Answers Its Billionth Question, Hits Other Milestones

    ChaCha has announced that its Q&A engine has reached several milestones — the most notable perhaps being that the Q&A engine answered its billionth question. The question, which I believe can be seen here, was asked on Saturday by a 14-year-old Minnesota boy, and answered by Kenny and Spencer, two ChaCha guides: Q: How do […]

  • Watch Your Language: Your English Might Not Speak To Europeans

    In my last post here I gave some tips on which events you could go and visit in Europe. One of the sentences I used was “The SES circus opens its tents in London.” After that post I got an e-mail from someone asking whether I meant that in a positive or a negative way. […]

  • Google Maps On Android Go 3D And Offline

    Google Maps is clearly a strategic product for the company. But that’s even more true on the iPhone and Android devices — especially Android. One could even make an argument that search on Maps is more important than general web search on mobile for Google. For some time Google has been adding enhancements to Google […]

  • Microsoft Funding Anti-Google Trade Group Since 2007

    Under the somewhat sensational headline, “Dark forces gunning for Google,” The Telegraph today shared the story of ICOMP — the Initiative for a Competitive Online Marketplace — a European-based trade group that appears to exist mostly, or solely, to be a thorn in Google’s side. On its website, ICOMP hits all the right notes. Its […]

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Recent Hot Items From Sphinn, Our Social News Sharing Site:

  • New Sphinn Editors Coming Soon … Interested in Joining Us? – Public service announcement: Sphinn is planning to add new editors after the holidays. If you're interested in joining the editorial staff, you can let us know now. We've posted more details on the Sphinn blog, so please read that and give it some thought!
  • The Decor My Eyes Fiasco & Local Reviews Tactics – From Chris Silver Smith's post – "This past week, marketers the world over watched the “Decor My Eyes fiasco” unfold with horrified fascination… The fiasco underscored the importance of reviews, particularly for local businesses — read on and see some tactics that can help you."
  • The 7 Habits Killing Your Personal Brand – Lisa Barone outlines the pitfalls of managing your own personal brand – and why authenticity, consistency and putting your best (positive) public face forward win the day.
  • Security Issue In Google Website Optimiser – David Whitehouse over at Dave Naylor's blog reports a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue with Google's Website Optimizer. It seems many experiments are lost in cyberspace.
  • Six Social Media Trends for 2011 – David Armano speculates on what we can expect as far as trends in Social Media for 2011. The article at the Harvard Business Review looks at the landscape covering Google, Facebook, LBS, tablets and social media schizophrenia. What trends do you see developing for 2011?
  • Comprehensive 2010 SEO Guide to Keywords – Brent Rangen of Optimize Guyz shares 2010's top keyword research tools, including tools for social media and YouTube.

About the author

Barry Schwartz
Barry Schwartz is a technologist and a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics.

In 2019, Barry was awarded the Outstanding Community Services Award from Search Engine Land, in 2018 he was awarded the US Search Awards the "US Search Personality Of The Year," you can learn more over here and in 2023 he was listed as a top 50 most influential PPCer by Marketing O'Clock.

Barry can be followed on X here and you can learn more about Barry Schwartz over here or on his personal site.

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