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New pilots from Microsoft Ads and the secret to happiness at work; Wednesday’s daily brief
Plus, B2B tech finally sees the SEO light
Now you can speed up your site indexing in Bing; Tuesday’s daily brief
Plus, Q&A about ETAs and RSAs
Bing content submission API now available to all
Now you can push your content and HTML directly to Bing Search without the need for crawling.
Is Google adjusting the FLoC strategy?; Friday’s daily brief
Plus, HTML success factors for SEO
Meet Make Every feature Binary: Bing’s sparse neural network for improved search relevance
MEB helps Bing get closer to search intent by understanding relationships beyond pure semantics.
Finally, Shopify site owners can edit their robots.txt files
The rollout began on Friday and should now be available for all sites.
User experience is the difference between mediocre and next-level search marketing
A positive user experience is the now and the future of helping your target audiences get things done while meeting your marketing KPIs.
Microsoft Advertising launches new Tours and Activities ad format in open beta
Available for advertisers in the U.S. and UK, this new ad format, unique to Microsoft Advertising, can show in Bing search, Bing Maps and Bing Travel Guides.
Similar Audiences and Google Merchant Center store importing are coming to Microsoft Advertising
Microsoft Audience Network is also expanding to two new markets: France and Germany.
How Storage Asset Management succeeds with a focus on reviews and social media
SAM relies heavily on customer reviews, managed through Reputation
Microsoft Bing opens Content Submission API as beta
This not only helps expedite indexing but also bypassing crawling, reducing server resources necessary for being indexed by Microsoft Bing.
Bing’s new shopping features emphasize comparison shopping
The updated interface helps it reach parity with Google Shopping, but both search engines are looking to provide users with features and data that Amazon doesn't.
How to gain value from broken backlinks
A guide to reaping the benefits of broken backlinks — both yours and your competitors’.
Microsoft proposes method to automatically submit URLs from WordPress to search engines
Microsoft wants to build into the core of WordPress the ability to automatically push new and updated URLs to Bing and other search engines.
Microsoft Bing updates search results interface to make it more visually immersive
Microsoft Bing updates recipe results, similar looking items, expandable carousels, infographic panels and local answers design.
DuckDuckGo’s focus on privacy-minded users pushes it past 100 million searches in a single day
Although it’s a long way from being a Google competitor, DuckDuckGo’s business model may serve as a playbook for new search engines.
Bing Webmaster Tools adds crawl requests, crawl errors & indexed pages to performance report
You can now see crawling and indexing data directly in the search performance report.
SEO year in review 2020: COVID forces platforms to adapt their local and e-commerce offerings, and more
Even a pandemic couldn’t slow down developments in the search industry. Here’s our recap of the year’s most important stories and news.
Bing Webmaster Tools adds Microsoft Clarity integration
Plus, Microsoft says deeper integration between Webmaster Tools and Clarity is coming.
Microsoft Clarity, the company’s tool for visualizing user experience, is out of beta
The tool provides site owners with visual heatmaps, session playbacks, filters and metrics to help them improve their user experience.
Bing revamps Site Explorer in new Bing Webmaster Tools
This tool gives SEOs information on how Microsoft Bing does just that and then gives you more data on clicks, impressions, links, errors, warnings, indexing issues and much more.
‘People Also Ask’ boxes: Tips for ranking, optimizing and tracking
PAA boxes appear in nearly half of all searches. Here’s how they work and how SEOs can use them to their advantage.
Bing rebrands as Microsoft Bing, expands Give with Bing
The rebrand includes new logos, and Give with Bing is now available in seven markets.
Insights to reimagine your holiday 2020 planning
The holiday consumer’s journey starts with search. As the pandemic continues, your brand should be relying on it more than ever.
Bing applies AI and natural language models to autosuggest, People Also Ask
Intelligent answers and semantic highlighting are also rolling out to more markets.
Bing’s new robots.txt tester can help SEOs identify crawling issues
The new Bing Webmaster Tool can also be used to edit robots.txt files and check URLs for errors instantly.
Bing considers page quality before indexing
Bing does not want to index and show search results for low quality, spammy or manipulative content.
A deeper dive into more of the Bing Search ranking factors
Why author and site reputation, completeness of content, transparency of authorship and negativity are important to watch.
Bing uses user engagement metrics for ranking websites in search
But Bing looks at these signals in a holistic manner for ranking purposes.
Bing Shopping opens up to free product listings
The new offering launches with a small volume of traffic in the U.S. this month.
Why machine learning and understanding searcher intent is so important to search
Write for the user, don't get bogged down in keywords - it is all about searcher intent.
How to optimize your Google local Knowledge Panel
Turn your local business profiles in the search results into portals that can deliver customers right from your listings.
Replay: What SEOs need to know about Bing Webmaster Guidelines
The latest updates to the guidelines include how Bing crawls, indexes, ranks web pages and handles search spam.
Bing’s new URL Inspection tool: What it does and why to use it
A quick side-by-side of Bing vs Google's URL Inspection tools.
Microsoft launched revamped Bing Webmaster Tools
With this launch, Bing added a URL inspection tool with some exciting features.
Bing Webmaster Tools gets a new robots.txt tester
Here is another tool you can use from Bing to see how BingBot can or cannot access your web pages.
Bing published WordPress plugin to submit content immediately to Bing’s search index
You can now get your WordPress content indexed immediately using Bing Webmaster Tools plugin.
Bing updates its Webmaster Guidelines
These new Bing guidelines discuss the fundamental principles behind how Bing crawls, indexes and ranks content - make sure to review them.
Bing supports rel=sponsored & rel=ugc
You can use the rel="nofollow" or rel="sponsored" or rel="ugc" attributes, to "prevent the links from being followed by a crawler and from potentially impacting search rankings.
Bing’s search ranking factors; relevance, quality & credibility, user engagement, freshness, location and page load time
Want to know how Bing ranks web pages? Here is how Bing describes it within its own guidelines.