Alexa users claim Amazon is using voice recordings to target ads
Alexa users have been speculating for many years that Amazon has been using their private conversation data for ad targeting.
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Alexa users have been speculating for many years that Amazon has been using their private conversation data for ad targeting.
Study by SEMrush found only 1% overlap in answers to the same voice queries across platforms.
Perficient Digital ran 5,000 queries on seven devices including Alexa, Cortana, Google Assistant (Home, smartphones) and Siri.
Google Assistant scored 93%, Siri 83% and Alexa got 80% of answers right in a recent study.
A new incident fuels the perception that smart speakers are spying on their owners.
A new study uncovers data about how target audiences will influence our priorities around voice search. Hint: Older folks like it while the youngest voice searchers worry about privacy.
Commerce, advertising or something else: The smart speaker model hasn't been figured out.
Are your local SEO and business listing data optimization efforts ready for voice search?
Since we can't segment voice from typed interactions in performance reports easily, it's helpful optimization for voice search overlaps with traditional search.
Alexa devices dominate, but higher Google Home NPS scores suggest it will have better word of mouth and could gain market share.
Here's a roundup of the various digital assistants on the market today with some beginner tips on how to optimize for voice search.
Don't focus on the specific numbers, the interesting thing is the sentiment.
There are thousands of Skills and Actions but very few people are using them.
Implementing a hybrid approach to your Amazon marketing strategy for both paid and organic optimizations will ensure visibility across results pages.
Alexa had the most noticeable improvement according to the test results, nearly matching Google for general information queries.
Virtual assistants and chatbots are opening up a whole new world for marketers, and voice search is just the beginning.
Voice search is coming. Here's what you can do today to get ahead of the curve.
Name, address, phone and hours, with more to come.
The program offers the potential for better customer experiences, but privacy concerns could slow deployment.
Even if Apple's smart speaker sales don't grow, they could still generate $800 million this year.
While one new study on voice assistants compares the quality of different providers' answers, the other drills into Google's data sources for 22 verticals.
A new survey from CIRP argues that Google Home captured about 40 percent of holiday sales.
Google and Amazon both announce new device partnerships; the Google Assistant will be on new "smart display" devices, more TVs, speakers and in cars.
CNBC report says product promotions on Alexa are already being tested.
As smart speakers proliferate around the world, some governments will require strong privacy disclosures and consent to recording.
Can Google Home emerge from Amazon Echo's shadow?
The move appears to be an attempt to broaden the device's utility and better compete with Google's search capabilities.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on and from other places across the web.
You'll soon be able to ask Alexa to "open Cortana" and vice versa.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google beta testing brand-new Google Search Console designJul 17, 2017 by Barry Schwartz Check out these screen shots of the new Google Search Console user interface. Google Search Console may have […]
The new device hasn't yet found the right balance between voice and screen.
Amazon's assets, including distribution, brand loyalty, aggressive pricing and a more diverse product mix could trump Google Home's better performance.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google to fix missing data from Search Console analytics report soonMar 13, 2017 by Barry Schwartz No need to panic over the Google Search Analytics report’s confirmed bug. You did not […]
Nearly 60 percent used voice because it was faster or easier than typing.
Cortana will be baked into a new smart speaker from Harman Kardon to be released next year, potentially the first of many Cortana-powered devices.
Software approach would make Cortana available from the lock screen and provide other smart-home features.
Columnist Bryson Meunier discusses how the rise of digital assistants will impact how search engine optimization is performed.
If you've always wanted someone around the house to answer all the questions you have during the course of your day, that someone is a something -- Google Home.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Refine your content marketing tactics to benefit from enhanced search engine displayMay 25, 2016 by Thomas Stern Columnist Thomas Stern discusses how content marketing performance can fall short if SERP features […]
The virtual assistant revolution is ushering in the next era of search.