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Tracking the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project

AMP isn’t quite a household acronym yet, but it has big implications for virtually everyone with web access. The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project, the brainchild of Google announced just two years ago, is already impacting millions of users’ experience. And it’s growing fast. The downside — arguably a temporary one — is that not […]

Anatomy of a Google search listing

There’s no perfect method to snagging the top overall search result for every relevant query, but columnist Stephan Spencer believes that understanding each element of Google's search listings can give you the best chance for success.

Twitter ramps up AMP

With Twitter now linking to Accelerated Mobile Pages, columnist Barb Palser reminds publishers to check the quality of their AMPs.

SearchCap: Google link command, mobile-first index & SEO problems

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google has officially killed off their link commandJan 12, 2017 by Barry Schwartz Google tells webmasters and SEOs to stop using the link command, that it is officially dead and not […]

AMP: Above and beyond

Want to know more about Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)? Columnist Max Prin recaps a session from SMX Advanced 2016 featuring John Shehata of Condé Nast and Google's Rudy Galfi, product manager for the AMP Project.

German Publisher Group Sues Google Again Under Draconian Copyright Law

A group of German publishers has filed a civil complaint against Google. The group, constituted as VG Media, claims to be enforcing Germany’s “Ancillary Copyright” Law, passed in 2013. This is the latest episode in an ongoing dispute between German news publishers and Google. Essentially, the publishers are suing to get Google to pay them […]

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