Yahoo Mobile Search Gets AMP Support, Twitter Integration, New Image Search & More
Yahoo has revamped some of their mobile search results and jumps at supporting AMP-powered news publishers.
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Yahoo has revamped some of their mobile search results and jumps at supporting AMP-powered news publishers.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: 6 Things To Know Before Using Facebook For Local Search, And 6 Reasons FB Search Can DominateNov 9, 2015 by Wesley Young Now that Facebook’s Universal Search includes public posts, columnist […]
After two months of asking Google News Publishers to add their app links in the Google News Publisher Center, the Editor's Picks is now showing App download icons.
Disruptive technologies are often met with lobbying efforts to block them by vested interests trying to preserve the status quo. One such example is the unsuccessful effort by taxi companies to use the law to hold back Uber’s advance, especially in Europe. Another is the European newspaper industry’s efforts to boost sagging revenues with strict […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: Google Adds Additional Ranking Boost For Using App Indexing APISep 30, 2015 by Barry Schwartz Google announced a new ranking boost for App Indexing, as well as a new iOS indexing […]
After years of Google News requiring URLs to contain 3-digits, Google has finally dropped that requirement.
The Google News Publisher Center added a way for publishers to add links to their apps. This will be used to show apps in the Editors' Pick section in Google News.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: Google Fights France To Prevent Globalization Of The Right-to-Be-Forgotten Google has formally appealed France’s data protection authority’s order that Google apply Right-to-Be-Forgotten (RTBF) removals to its global index. The Commission Nationale […]
Call it one of the most egregious examples of unintended consequences. The effort of the Spanish newspaper association and Spanish government to get Google to subsidize Spanish news publishers with a mandatory link tax (under the the guise of copyright fees) is a massive disaster — for publishers, for the Spanish internet and for innovation in […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: What Does It Mean To Be “Search Marketer of the Year”? Learn more about the two awards to be presented for Male and Female Search Marketer of the Year at the […]
If Hollywood's paid content can be shown without fear of upsetting searchers, why not news? But with more visibility, all access subscription may be needed.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Launches Custom Voice Actions For Third Party Apps Voice Actions will allow users to not only launch but explore content in apps. For Task Completion, Cortana Now Integrates More Deeply […]
Google News ranking algorithm won't factor in if a publisher is mobile-friendly or not, at least not yet.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Search Engine Land’s SMX West Is Next Week – Here’s How to Attend Search Engine Land’s SMX West conference kicks off next Tuesday. With over 60 educational sessions and keynotes, networking […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Bing Ads Reduces Campaign Reporting Lag To 1 Hour Impression and click performance data is now delivered much faster. Thanksgiving Drove Retailers’ Highest Paid Search Revenue Gains Of The Holiday Season […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: PLAs Drove 56 Percent Of Non-Brand Google AdWords Clicks In Q4 [RKG] Click share also rose on Bing’s product ads, doubling from Q3. Pinterest Search Is Now Customized By Gender Aiming […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Events Knowledge Graph Adds Ticket Links, Delegated Events, Comedian Events & Venue Events Google makes four updates to the events knowledge graph after launching the markup back in March 2014. […]
Google News updated their image crawl process to include images hosted off the publishers domain.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Despite Documented Performance Lift Brands Still Confounded By Local Search Remarkably there are still marketers out there that don’t “get” local search or why marketing campaigns should be localized. There are […]
Did Google News really close in Spain? If you consider Google News to be the ability to browse stories by topic, especially from a dedicated home page, yes. But if it’s the ability to search for and find news stories, then arguably, Google News still lives. Anyone trying to reach the Google News Spain home page […]
News outlets such as the Wall Street Journal and AP are reporting that Google News España has shut down. However it appears to still be up and available on the site. As Barry Schwartz points out, if you visit you’re directed to the following help page. The page offers an explanation and apology: As […]
A new effort by the Spanish Newspaper Publishers Association (AEDE) to prevent Google from shutting down its News site in Spain is an amazing example of industry chutzpah or hubris. The action shows so much chutzpah in fact that it enters the realm of unintentional political satire. First the background if you don’t already know […]
Google has decided to shut down Google News in Spain. This drastic step will occur next week (December 16) and is the result of a recently passed Spanish law that would have compelled Google to pay licensing revenues to Spanish publishers if their content appeared in Google News — even headlines. Some Spanish publishers, including newspaper group AEDE, […]
Europe and the U.S. continue to drift further apart on Google. Even as European parliamentarians and regulators seek ways to restrain Google’s discretion over search results, U.S. courts continue to affirm Google’s right to do whatever it wants with search results — paid and organic. A California state court in San Francisco recently granted Google’s […]
Given the saga of Germany’s ill-conceived and poorly implemented “ancillary copyright law” one would have thought that another European government wouldn’t immediately duplicate the mistake. But that’s exactly what’s happened in Spain. Spanish newspaper publishers, hoping to turn Google into a source of compulsory licensing revenue, worked to pass a new law that imposes strict fines for the […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Groupon Pages Part Of Company Evolution Into Local Search Site Depending on your viewpoint, Groupon’s new Pages offering is either a helpful new tool for local business owners or a bid […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Yahoo Search Now Shows Your Flights, Events & Packages In The Search Results Yahoo announced that Yahoo Search, as well as Yahoo Mail‘s Today section will now show you your upcoming […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Tune Your Paid Search Campaigns To Account For Holiday Volatility The relationship between bids and conversions is like that between ice cream sundaes and maraschino cherries. It’s theoretically possible to have […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Bing Image Search Updates Include Touch Friendly Result Pages That Adapt To Screen Size & Resolution Over the next few weeks, Bing is rolling out new updates to its image search […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Apple Watch Brings Local Search To Your Wrist We don’t yet know how popular the Apple Watch will be when it goes on sale early next year. A “flash survey” conducted […]
News publishers often want to be listed in Google. News publishers also often want to have paywalls or registration barriers. The good news is Google has rules that allow for this. The bad news is that Google routinely fails to enforce these rules. Below, a case study involving content in a major publication authored by […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Launches Google News Publisher Center Google announced on the Google News blog a new portal for Google News publishers to use to help manage their news sites within Google News. […]
Google announced on the Google News blog a new portal for Google News publishers to use to help manage their news sites within Google News. The new portal is named Google News Publisher Center. As long as your news site is verified within Google Webmaster Tools and already included in Google News, you should see […]
There’s a basic feeling among traditional news publishers throughout Europe, and among some in the U.S., that Google has benefited enormously from their content but failed to offer anything in return. Furthermore, many publishers see Google as directly responsible for the decline of their traditional advertising and circulation revenues. The counter-argument that Google sends traffic […]
Writing today in the Guardian, Google’s chief legal officer David Drummond spoke to mistakes Google made in removing some links last week under the EU’s new Right To Be Forgotten mandate, as well as the difficulties in implementing the law, including naming some criteria where removals are less likely to happen. Some Links Restored; Removal […]
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” the saying goes. There are plenty of good intentions with the EU’s Right To Be Forgotten mandate, as well as Google’s attempt to meet new obligations under it. Things are still going to hell regardless. Thanks to the new right, the EU has helped enable convicted […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Rather Than Opt-Out Of Google, German News Publishers Demand 11% Cut Of Revenue German news publishers are picking up where the Belgians left off, a now not-so-proud tradition of suing Google […]
German news publishers are picking up where the Belgians left off, a now not-so-proud tradition of suing Google for being included in its listings rather than choosing to opt-out. This time, the publishers want an 11% cut of Google’s revenue related to them being listed. The news comes from Jeff Jarvis, who writes that a […]
Google’s Matt Cutts tweeted that news related sites, such as this one, may have noticed a drop in the crawl statistics within Google Webmaster Tools. If you did notice that drop, Matt says you do not need to worry. Google News added if-modified-since support in March, which would be the reason for the crawl changes. […]