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Bing Will Roll Out Their Mobile Friendly Ranking Algorithm In The Upcoming Months
Following Google's lead, Bing announces they will launch a mobile friendly algorithm, but this one won't be any Mobilegeddon.
Bing Testing Recipe Data In Search Snippets
Bing is testing showing recipe schema markup in the search results.
Bing Providing Detailed Answers From Third-Party Web Sites Like Google
Bing is now providing long form answers taken from third-party web sites.
Bing Adds Mobile-Friendly Label To Their Mobile Search Results
Bing has been hush about showing a "mobile friendly" label in their mobile search results. Is more to come from Bing around mobile-friendly ranking?
Bing May Remove Navigation To Additional Search Result Pages
Bing is so confident in some of their search results that they will remove the pagination to additional search result pages.
The Importance Of XML Sitemaps In The Age Of Panda
Columnist Janet Driscoll Miller reminds us that in an age of content syndication, a well-maintained XML sitemap is key to establishing your site as the original source of your content.
Meet The Search Engines: Up Close @SMX West 2015
Jenny Halasz recaps the most noteworthy tidbits of the "Meet The Search Engines" panel at SMX West 2015, where representatives from Google and Bing fielded all manner of SEO questions.
Duane Forrester Returns To Bing After Being Laid Off From Microsoft Two Months Ago
Bing re-hires Duane Forrester after letting him go two months ago. Duane Forrester will be working in basically the same role as before.
Bing Search Adds AMBER Alerts
Bing sources data from National Center for Missing & Exploited Children databases for their new AMBER alert box.
Bing: Content Quality Is A Primary Ranking Factor Made Up Of Authority, Utility & Presentation
Michael Basilyan, Senior Program Manager from the Bing Content Quality Team, shared a nice set of details on the Bing blog about how Bing’s algorithms determine what makes for content quality. Michael Basilyan explained that content quality is a primary factor in their ranking algorithm, along with topical relevance and context. Michael then went on […]
Bing Has Seen Tiny Number Of “Right to Be Forgotten” Requests So Far
Reputation VIP, which operates the website in Europe, has said that Microsoft/Bing is starting to implement “Right to Be Forgotten” (RTBF) requests. The company released a study of RTBF requests and Google in October, which was generally consistent with Google’s own subsequently released data. said initially that 60 percent of RTBF requests to Google were being denied. Google itself reported 58 percent. […]
Bing Reveals Some Mobile Ranking Techniques & Relevancy Factors
Mir Rosenberg from the Bing Mobile Relevancy team posted some of the “factors at play” when it comes to how Bing determines mobile relevance and ranking in the mobile results. As you know, a couple weeks ago, Bing announced new mobile crawlers to help them discover and understand different forms of mobile content. Now, Bing […]
Bing Adds New Crawlers To Support Non-Responsive Mobile Designs
Bing announced a new set of mobile crawlers with Bingbot Mobile User Agents to better support and recognize mobile websites that are not responsively designed. Lee Xiong from the Bing Crawl team explained Bing has designed these new crawlers to “probe websites with a number of new crawlers with the aim to give us the best […]
Bing: No Plans To Give Ranking Boost For HTTPS
At Search Marketing Expo, Bing’s Vincent Wehren, the Lead Program Manager for Bing Webmaster Tools, said they have no plans on ever giving a ranking boost to websites that switch to HTTPS. In August, Google began giving sites that use HTTPS a ranking boost as a bit of an incentive to webmasters for helping secure […]
Bing Released A URL Keyword Stuffing Spam Filtering That Impacted Three-Percent Of Queries
Igor Rondel, the Principal Development Manager of the Bing Index Quality, posted on the Bing Search Blog news that they released a spam filter a “few months” ago that impacted about 3% of all search queries. The spam filter was aimed at URL keyword stuffing. Igor Rondel it targeted spammers stuffing keywords in the URL […]
Bing On Search Spam Detection Techniques & Filtering
Microsoft’s Igor Rondel, Principal Development Manager of the Bing Index Quality team published a blog post on the Bing Search blog named Web Spam Filtering. In the post, Igor shares how Bing goes about detecting, processing, and filtering out search spam from their index. Bing outlines some ways they use methods of discovering and then […]
Bing Site Safety Page: Explains Why Sites Are Flagged In Bing’s Search Results
On the Bing Webmaster Blog they announced a new feature named the Bing Site Safety Page. The Bing Site Safety Page will show up in the search results when Bing has flagged a specific site as having a safety issue. Bing will then show the searcher what the issue is with the site, hoping the […]
Study: Top 5 Search Engines See Search Traffic Drop By As Much As 31% Since December 2013
A newly released report from Shareaholic claims the top five search engines — Google, Bing, Yahoo, and AOL — have all experienced a decline in search traffic since December of 2013. Using data from December 2013 through May 2014, Shareaholic evaluated aggregate organic search traffic numbers from more than 300,000 publishers reaching an audience […]
Bing Sitemaps Best Practices & Large Site Sitemaps Issues
Bing has posted on the Bing Webmaster blog their best practices on how to implement XML Sitemaps files for your site. The post includes a large topic on how the best practices apply to really large web sites, with many URLs. Bing’s Six Best Practices For Sitemaps: Follow the sitemaps reference at Common mistakes […]
A Marketer’s Guide To Using Regular Expressions In SEO
Regular expressions (regex) are one of the most powerful tools we have in our SEO arsenal, but they’re incredibly intimidating! Here are some tips and tricks from one SEO to another that I hope will help you dip your toes into the powerful world of regex. I must begin with a disclaimer: I’m not a […]
Learnings From SMX London: The Impact Of Social On Search
SEOs and Social Marketers speculate on the impact that Social Media marketing has on how well their websites perform in search results. There has been much conjecture with many people interpreting an array of correlations as causation. Both Google’s Matt Cutts and Bing’s Duane Forrester have come out (on more than one occasion) to emphatically […]
Bing To Shut Down Webmaster Forums
Bing is shutting down their Bing Webmaster Forums by the end of this month or early June. Duane Forrester of Bing said that the forums were turning into the place Bing expected and they have decided to shut it down to give them the “time and resources to focus energies in other directions.” So what […]
Bing Webmaster Roadshow 2014 Takes Search Experts On 4-City Tour This Summer
Bing announced today it will be hosting the Bing Webmaster Roadshow 2014 starting next month, with stops in four cities including Chicago, Atlanta, Boston and Houston. In partnership with Inc. Magazine, the events will include panel discussions with Message Medium’s Maisha Walker, Bruce Clay of Bruce Clay Inc., aimClear founder Marty Weintraub, along with Bing […]
Bing: Adding Markup & Schema Is “Worth” It For Search Engines
Duane Forrester from Bing posted a new article on the Bing Search Blog named Mark It Up. In the article, Duane explained the upmost importance of marking up your content with schema and meta data. Duane said “it’s worth completing this work to help the engines understand your content more clearly.” Why? Duane explained that […]
Bing On Links: You Should Never Know In Advance Where A Link Is Coming From
Duane Forrester from Microsoft’s Bing team wrote a blog post today on the official Bing Search blog named 10 SEO myths reviewed. There are many good and obvious points Duane makes in the post but one point he makes about links is very revealing. Duane wrote: You should never know in advance a link is […]
10 Key Takeaways From Meet The Search Engines @ SMX West
Another SMX is in the books! This show definitely had one of the most engaged attendee groups I have ever seen at any conference in recent memory. The polite, attentive search engine marketers weren’t there to just network and enjoy the San Jose sun. They were interested and looking for answers. And on day three […]
Bing: Poor Grammar & Typos May Result In Lower Search Rankings
Duane Forrester from Bing wrote a blog post on the Bing Webmaster Blog suggesting that Bing’s search ranking algorithms do in fact consider poor grammar, typos and poor language to be part of their ranking factors. Duane said, “just as you’re judging others’ writing, so the engines judge yours.” Meaning, Bing does look at how […]
Bing Webmaster Guidelines Updated To Include Demotions For Keyword Stuffing
Bing has quietly updated their Webmaster Guidelines to include a stern warning to webmasters who think they can use keyword stuffing techniques to manipulate their rankings and get away with it. The warning says Bing may demote the site or delist the site that is using keyword stuffing. The new section was added sometime yesterday […]
Bing: Don’t Be Held Hostage Over The Perfect Domain Name
Duane Forrester, Bing’s Senior Product Manager, posted on the Bing Webmaster Blog that you should not be too crazed over picking an expensive domain name for your new web site. He said, even when you buy old domain names that are pricy, those domain names may have some bad history. Domain names with bad history […]
Bing: It’s A Myth That Keyword Rich Domain Names Improve Search Rankings
Microsoft Bing’s Senior Product Manager, Duane Forrester, wrote last night at the Bing Webmaster Blog that it is only a myth that in today’s ranking algorithms that a keyword rich domain name will make enough of an impact on your rankings to give you a major boost above your competitors. Duane said that maybe “10 […]
Bing Webmaster Tools Adds Connected Pages Dashboard
Duane Forrester, the Senior Product Manager at Bing announced a new feature within Bing Webmaster Tools named the “Connected Pages Dashboard.” Formerly known as linked pages, connected pages is a way for Bing to allow you to tell them what pages you own under your social network. Once you verify these social profiles, Bing connects […]
Bing’s New Music Video Search Results Page Showcases Popular Videos With Related Artists & Albums Lists
Bing has rolled out a new music video search results page today. From now on, when searching for a music video by song title, artist or album, users will see the following box at the top of their search results, showcasing the “most popular” music video related to the search, along with details and a […]
Bing Webmaster Tools Adds Smart Search Page Preview Tool
Bing announced on their Webmaster Blog that they have introduced a new feature within Bing Webmaster Tools for managing your Smart Search Previews. The Page Preview tool, under the “Configure My Site” section in Webmaster Tools, enables webmasters manage their page previews. It allows you to request a block of a page preview image from […]
Bing Gets ‘Klout-orship” As Verified Klout Snapshots Now Identify Authors & Content In Bing
Klout has becoming a much more powerful tool than simply measuring social significance. Bing and Klout have teamed up to form a puesdo-authorship alliance that will appear in the search results pages. A new Klout-verified ‘Snapshot’ will show in Bing along with social icons, Klout scores and even the two most influential public moments from […]
Bing SEO Ranking Factors 2013 Study By SearchMetrics
Searchmetrics has released their SEO ranking factors for Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, today. Similar to their Google ranking factors, Searchmetrics analyzed 10,000 popular keywords and 300,000 websites appearing in the top 30 search results and looked at how various factors correlated with rankings. The top five key findings were: (1) Top brands rank higher on […]
What The Government Shutdown Means For .gov SEO
As part of the US government shut down, many .gov sites have also shut down, replaced by messages like this: “Due to the lapse in federal government funding, this website is not available. We sincerely regret this inconvenience.” But one day, the government will start up again and government agencies will once again focus on ensuring […]
Bing Tests Sub Secondary Level Deep Links In Search Listings
Bing is running an experiment with their deep links in the search results. Now Bing is testing displaying sub or secondary level deep links for some search results. That means that under a search listing that has deep links, you may see additional sub-level deep links beneath the main deep links. Here is a picture […]
Bing Details Four Ways Not To Build Links
Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager at Microsoft Bing, wrote a blog post on the Bing Webmaster Blog, detailing four ways you do not want to build links to your site. The four ways not to build links by Bing include: (1) Blind Requests: Don’t simply mass or template email web sites blindly for links. Don’t […]
Bing Ads To Launch Excel Add-In To Streamline Campaign Management
In good news for PPC Excel enthusiasts, Bing Ads announced it is beta testing an Excel Add-In to manage campaign data and download and post directly to the Bing Ads data center. Here’s what the process will look like: Essentially users will have the option to use Bing Ads Editor or the Excel Add-In. The […]
Google’s PR Problem Is Bing’s Opportunity
Google has a PR problem. No, I don’t mean PageRank. I’m talking about the original definition of PR – Public Relations. And, it’s maybe less Public Relations than it is Webmaster Relations. You see, Google hasn’t done a good job of balancing content about problems with content about successes and improvements. They haven’t really needed to — with 70% […]