This day in search marketing history: March 13

Google hides organic search listings plus: broad core search algorithm update, Panda updates, author rank, incremental ad clicks and more.


Google tests hiding organic listings on some search results

In 2018, Google showed answers without any additional search results for some queries.

For example, if you searched for [time in los angeles] or [time in new zealand], Google would show the answer, then show a button below the answer to Show all results.

Google Answer No Results

“For calculator, unit converter & local time, we’re experimenting with a condensed view to further speed up load time,” said Google’s Danny Sullivan. “People who search for these tools rarely use full search results, but the results will remain available for those who want them via the ‘Show all results’ button.”

Read all about it in Google search results page displays answer without any search results.

Also on this day

Hiring an SEO? Why a technical SEO audit shouldn’t be part of the proposal process

2020: Experienced SEOs shared what to expect from an initial audit and why Google’s hiring video missed the mark.

Early look: Google Ads customer value reporting and conversion value rules

2020: The two features had been in testing for about a year.

Google helping to build pilot coronavirus testing website

2020: Engineers were contributing to the project aimed at helping people find nearby drive-through COVID-19 testing sites.

Google released a broad core search algorithm on March 12

2019: Google restated previous advice that there was no fix if your site was negatively impacted.

What’s going on with In-depth Articles on Google?

2019: Google said there was a coding change but that it still showed high-quality, evergreen content. Close watchers said they saw big shifts.

Goodbye green? Google testing black “Ad” label in Search

2019: Google appeared to be looking to switch up the way it labeled text ads again.

DuckDuckGo a new ‘default search’ option for Chrome, is it time to start paying attention?

2019: The upstart search engine’s visibility was growing.

Notes are coming to AdWords, plus Recommendations & an Account Performance Score

2018: Google announced several productivity updates, including the ability to note important changes right in the UI.

Google Images update: Captions added to images, pulled from the page title tag

2018: To add more context to image results, Google would now display a caption with images in mobile Images search results.

Google to fix missing data from Search Console analytics report soon

2017: A whole day of data was missing in the Search Analytics report.

Google To Sunset Webmaster Tools API Version One On April 20

2015: Google was dropping support for the original Webmaster Tools API, which meant you could no longer obtain keywords from the content reports.

AdWords Search Query Data Now Available Sooner

2015: Search terms and some other data were now available within 6 hours.

Google Is Practically Begging Firefox Users To Switch Their Default Search Engine

2015: A message above Google’s search results was the most visible attempt yet at getting Firefox users to switch back to Google.

Report: Microsoft’s Cortana Coming To iOS, Android This Fall

2015: Under CEO Satya Nadella, the company had decided to roll out its products, including Office, more freely to other platforms rather than have non-Microsoft users adopt alternatives.

Bing Tests New “Favorites” Feature That Lets Users Bookmark Images

2015: The feature was available only for users signed in to their accounts on a desktop.

Search In Pics: Google Shop, Google Stone & Golden Android

2015: The latest images showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more.

Google Working On A Softer & Gentler Panda Algorithm To Help Small Businesses

2014: Google’s Matt Cutts explained that this new Panda update should have a direct impact on small businesses and help them do better.

Yes, Google Does Have & Use Author Rank; Specifically Within In-Depth Articles

2014: It was specifically used within the in-depth articles system to determine which articles to show.

Google Makes It Official: New Search Results Design Goes Live For All

2014: Titles were larger and the underlines were removed. On the ad side, Google migrated over the “new ad labels from mobile, making the multi-device experience more consistent.”

Google Testing I’m Feeling Lucky Search Button Within Search Suggestions Drop Down

2014: Google was testing displaying the Google Search and I’m Feeling Lucky search buttons within the search suggest or Google Instant drop-down menu.

Forecast: Google To Lose $1.4B In PC Revs As Search Shifts To Mobile

2014: Some of that PC revenue decline would be offset by growth in mobile paid clicks.

Bing’s New “Image Match” Button Helps Locate Images Of Varying Resolutions & Sizes

2014: Bing announced it is launching a new “Image Match” button, a feature that helped users quickly find alternative resolutions and sizes of a desired image.

Yandex Begins Purging Links From Its Rankings For Some Moscow Verticals

2014: Yandex started to remove links gradually from the Yandex MatrixNet algorithm for commercial queries in just the Moscow region.

Google: Panda To Be Integrated Into The Search Algorithm (Panda Everflux)

2013: The Panda algorithm would soon be more integrated into Google’s overall continuous algorithm updates, Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, announced at SMX West.

Enhanced Campaigns: Product Listing Ads Now On Smartphones

2013: Product listing ads (PLAs) began showing on smartphones in all markets that served PLAs.

Google To Double The Size Of Their Kirkland (Seattle) Campus

2013: Google was set to launch major expansion efforts to their Kirkland, Seattle office – home of many of the Google Webmaster Central team.

Bing Ads Makes Campaign & Ad Group Targeting Improvements

2013: Both target settings would be considered together to improve ad relevancy and delivery.

Study: 55% Of Mobile-Search Driven Conversions Happen In One Hour Or Less

2013: The overwhelming majority (77%) of mobile search happened at home or work, according to an extensive study from Google and Nielsen.

Google, Bing Both Gain Market Share In February [comScore]

2013: Core search activity was down in February overall, but both Google’s and Bing’s share of search activity in the U.S. were up during the month.

Google Research: Yes, You Still Need To Keep Buying Search Ads

2012: Researchers found that incremental ad clicks went down by 85% if campaigns were paused entirely.

Implementing Pagination Attributes Correctly For Google

2012: How Google handled the pagination attributes within a page’s source code.

How People Power (& Personalize) Bing’s Social Search

2012: Eric Enge‘s interview with Bing’s Principal Group Program Manager for Bing Social Search, Paul Yiu.

Google Preparing To Launch Social “Circles” — Or Maybe Not

2011: There was a lot of buzz about something called “Google Circles” which was possibly to launch.

Google Earth Shows Before & After Images Of Japan Earthquake And Tsunami

2011: Google captured satellite imagery showing the devastation of the 8.9 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Google Looks To Shutter China Search Operation As Talks With Government Reach “An Impasse”

2010: Google was reportedly about to pull out of the Chinese search market due to talks reaching an “impasse.”

Live Blogging SXSW 2010

Google’s Advice On Using The New Canonical Tag

2009: Google’s Matt Cutts answers: “Should large corporations use rel=canonical?”

Microsoft Shutting Down adCenter Analytics Beta

2009: It was unclear whether this was the end for a home-grown Microsoft analytics solution or merely a pause.

The Rise Of Help Engines: Twitter & Aardvark

2009: Related:

Google Tests Favicons For AdWords In Germany And Poland

2009: Icons in AdWords potentially could provide a bit of “branding” or at least help advertisers stand out from one another.

Preview Of Microsoft’s Kumo Home Page?

2009: A screenshot of how the Kumo (Microsoft’s possible new brand for Live Search) home page might look.

Google Ad Manager Targets Medium-Sized Publishers, Seeks Broader AdSense Distribution

2008: In creating the new platform, Google said it was responding to a market need and explicit feedback from publishers.

More Yahoo Search Monkey Details: Creating A “Developer Ecosystem For Search”

2008: Developers could provide Yahoo with this rich content about their sites by either including structured markup in their pages or by submitting structured feeds.

In Unexpected Move, AOL Buys Social Network Bebo For $850 Million

2008: Bebo, the number three social network, had a reported 40 million unique global users.

Google Stock Driven Up By “Put Options” Scam, Says SEC

2007: Civil and criminal charges were filed against three Indian citizens for allegedly manipulating Google’s stock price to make a profit.

Viacom Sues Google For $1 Billion Over Unauthorized Videos

2007: Viacom confirmed they would be suing Google over “massive intentional copyright infringement.”

More Pictures Of Possible Google Phone?

2007: The phone seemed to have a large screen that swiveled out and had a keyboard under it.

First Web Search Creator Works At Google, Puts Books On Earth Map

2007: How a program plotted the world based on the “frequency of its locations mentioned in books.” 

Report: Microsoft To Buy Tellme

2007: Microsoft was reportedly in talks to buy Tellme Networks, a voice services and automated directory assistance provider.

SEO: Real Skills That Can Protect Your Traffic

2007: A look at news search engine Topix, revisiting Google’s webmaster support efforts plus
new confirmation that SEO continued to be more mainstream.

Wize Up For Better Product Reviews

2007: Wize had aggregated more than 1.2 million reviews, from both experts and users, drawn from more than 6,300 websites that feature reviews.

From Search Marketing Expo (SMX)

Past contributions from Search Engine Land’s Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

These columns are a snapshot in time and have not been updated since publishing, unless noted. Opinions expressed in these articles are those of the author and not necessarily Search Engine Land.

< March 12 | Search Marketing History | March 14 >

About the author

Danny Goodwin
Danny Goodwin is Editorial Director of Search Engine Land & Search Marketing Expo - SMX. He joined Search Engine Land in 2022 as Senior Editor. In addition to reporting on the latest search marketing news, he manages Search Engine Land’s SME (Subject Matter Expert) program. He also helps program U.S. SMX events.

Goodwin has been editing and writing about the latest developments and trends in search and digital marketing since 2007. He previously was Executive Editor of Search Engine Journal (from 2017 to 2022), managing editor of Momentology (from 2014-2016) and editor of Search Engine Watch (from 2007 to 2014). He has spoken at many major search conferences and virtual events, and has been sourced for his expertise by a wide range of publications and podcasts.

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