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7 mistakes to avoid when optimizing your Instagram account for SEO
Search engine optimization is a powerful tool for increasing your website traffic. But your Instagram account is also crying out for attention and wants to appear at the top of search results.
Facebook buys AR startup building a 1:1 digital map of the physical world
The acquisition appears to be about augmented reality, but Scape Technologies' capabilities go way beyond AR.
3 Easy steps to complete your annual PPC checkup
Use these techniques to make sure your PPC accounts are in great shape all year long.
The PPC changes that bugged and elated marketers most in 2019: An unscientific poll
Close variants changes and poor customer support topped the list of grievances this year.
6 of the best social listening tools for 2020
As more brands turn to social media for customer insights, social listening tools are gaining momentum. Here are our top 6 picks for 2020.
Get inside the buyer’s brain to boost e-commerce sales
How you can apply scientific psychological principles to influence consumer behavior on your site.
Senate bill seeks to compel tech giants to offer ‘unfiltered’ versions of their content
The 'Filter Bubble Transparency Act' would apply to websites and mobile apps.
Build a sound foundation to scale your Facebook campaigns
SMX East speaker Zenia Johnson outlines two top priorities for Facebook CBO: account structure and testing.
Facebook opens search ads to all advertisers
Ad placement will include Facebook News Feed and Marketplace search results.
Facebook’s Campaign Budget Optimization is coming. Are you ready?
The time to start testing CBO is now, says Michelle Morgan of Clix Marketing.
3 ways to take back control from PPC automations
When Google and the engines automate PPC tasks, you can still remain in control with "automation layering."
How to track traffic quality and boost conversions
Traffic quality is a key aspect of driving conversions.
You can’t advertise that: The big list of prohibited ads across social and search platforms
To get ads approved in a timely manner, brands need to know what content is allowed, what’s restricted and what’s prohibited. we put together this cheat sheet to help.
Social listening: what it is, why it matters, and how to do it
What is social media monitoring? Why is it important? What are the best social listening tools? Find out with this quick guide for 2020.
Here’s a script to spice up your Facebook demographics reporting
This script pulls a Facebook demographic report and generates a pyramid chart for age/gender performance analysis.
The 4 optimization techniques from Google you can use with Amazon Ads today
Amazon ads are surprisingly easy to master for anyone who’s familiar managing Google Ads and tools can streamline best-practice optimizations.
Here’s how e-commerce stores can sell smarter on YouTube, Facebook and Amazon
SMX Advanced speakers Joe Martinez of Clix, Susan Wenograd of AimClear and Danielle Waller of Merkle offer helpful tips for anyone selling products across these three networks.
Welcome to the Golden Age of competitive research
One of the largest opportunities we have as PPC marketers is to seize the moment when competitors have stopped paying attention.
7 best social media monitoring tools for any business
Social media is an enormous pool of insights on your market and competitors. These social listening tools bring those insights right to the surface.
Facebook starts testing ads in search results
The test inventory will be available in Facebook and Marketplace search results.
Facebook demystifies its search platform, says searches performed off-site don’t factor
The company issued an explainer on how Facebook search works.
Election 2018: Social media trolls, Google touts search, video ads get ugly
Gone are the days when the internet was simply a tool to learn more about candidates and issues.
When Facebook went down, direct traffic to news sites went up
Facebook users turned to Google search or went directly to publishers.
How to reach consumers while protecting their privacy
The debate surrounding probabilistic versus deterministic cross-device tracking is nothing new. But with the rapidly evolving online landscape and technological capabilities, and with customers increasingly engaging across multiple devices, brands and agencies should be having a different conversation: They need to look beyond which targeting method to use and determine how they can best identify […]
How to take advantage of strategic PPC audience targeting
Contributor Amy Bishop shows us how to use audiences within paid search campaigns to target and convert prospects more effectively.
Should you keep your best content on your site or send it away?
Contributor Julie Joyce looks at the pros and cons of keeping content on your site versus sending it away.
How social networks usurp Google’s local search dominance
Google may dominate most results, but not local search. Contributor Wesley Young looks at how Facebook and other social networks take a significant share of local search away from Google.
Finally! The 800 million ways Facebook gets serious about local business
Contributor Adam Dorfman explains how to capitalize on the one-two punch of Facebook advertising and organic engagement through Marketplace, your own page and Facebook’s own advertising products.
Search and direct mobile navigation surpass Facebook as traffic referrers
The shift is likely the result of Facebook algorithm changes, but other factors may also be at work.
Google rolls out new ID requirements for US political ads
Due to increased scrutiny of how these ads affect users and voters, company says more transparency intiatives are to come.
Facebook & Cambridge Analytica: What we know, what they knew & where that leaves us
A brief history of the many privacy disasters at the world's dominant social media platform, and what the most recent data exposure means for marketers, and other data Borg as Facebook's CEO faces Congress.
Does Cambridge Analytica have your info? Here’s how to check
Facebook is making it easy for users to find out if their data was scraped and is launching a data abuse bounty program to report app developers.
5 conversion boosters to optimize your PPC campaigns
Earlier this year, Facebook broke some bad news. Organic reach is officially being choked, making it harder for brands to reach the audiences they’ve worked so hard to build. Because of this, I believe marketers will look to SEM (search engine marketing) to recapture lost attention. The problem is, there’s already so much competition. How […]
7 marketing and promotion tactics to get your content discovered
Contributor Kristopher Jones outlines seven tried-and-true content promotion strategies that will drive traffic to your content and website.
30 questions to ask that so-called PPC ‘expert’ before hiring him/her
Just say no to the expert if he/she can't answer the following 30 PPC, content and remarketing questions, says contributor John Lincoln.
Search outpaced social for referral traffic last year, driving 35% of site visits vs social’s 26% share of visits
According to a new referral traffic report from Shareaholic, 2017 was the first time since 2014 search owned a larger share of visits over social.
Google’s growth in online local reviews continues to dominate, but…
Contributor Jamie Pitman shows us why we should keep an eye on TripAdvisor and Facebook when trying to increase online reviews.
Federal Election Commission proposal toughens political ads disclosure rules
The rule would bring traditional media disclosure requirements to digital ads.
European press agencies push for licensing fees for their content from Google, Facebook
It remains to be seen whether European legislators and regulators will pick up the cause, but there's a possibility that they will.
Facebook Local is the social network’s stab at Yelp, Foursquare
Facebook’s new app lets people find nearby things to do and places to go.