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SearchCap: Google search games, AMP experiments & more

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: AMP now supports A/B testing and other experimentsAug 25, 2016 by Barry Schwartz Check out the new amp-experiments component that lets you easily test different variations of your AMP pages. Google […]

Link building

SearchCap: PPC tips, link structure & more

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Optimizing your internal link structureAug 24, 2016 by Dave Davies SEOs often focus heavily on accumulating inbound links, but don’t overlook links within your site. Columnist Dave Davies shares his guide […]


Check out my BIG SMX East Preview. Then register & save!

Search Engine Land’s SMX East is every SEO and SEM’s dream: a tactic-packed agenda, more than 100 dynamic and authoritative speakers, keynotes, exceptional networking, and more. If you’re involved in SEO, SEM, PR, social media or any other customer-facing activity, you owe it to yourself (and your company or client’s bottom line) to attend. The SMX […]

Link building

SearchCap: Google critic reviews, local positions & more

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Bing to censor in the EU for Right To Be Forgotten searchesAug 12, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues According to the announcement, Bing’s updated RTBF policy for the EU will use […]


SearchCap: Google AdWords design, Yelp & TripAvisor & more

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Confirmed: New AdWords interface rolling out to more usersAug 10, 2016 by Greg Finn Google has confirmed the rollout of the new user interface to more AdWords users. SEO and the […]


SearchCap: Apple Maps, AdWords spend & SEO trends

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Apple Maps becomes a platform with new extensions for third-party appsJun 13, 2016 by Greg Sterling The move parallels Apple’s decision to open up Siri and Messages to developers. Here’s my […]

Google Analytics

Here’s my exclusive look into SMX Advanced, only 1 week away

Search Engine Land’s SMX Advanced, the only search marketing conference designed exclusively for experienced internet marketers, is returning to Seattle June 22-23. Here’s a preview of what to expect – while All Access Passes are currently SOLD OUT, you can still add yourself to the wait list and get notified once a ticket becomes available. […]


As search changes, Google changes

Columnist Adam Dorfman notes that people are changing the way they search in response to new technologies and the proliferation of smartphones. What can advertisers and SEOs do to keep up?

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