SearchCap: The Day In Search, June 11, 2007

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web: From Search Engine Land: Search Month: May 2007 Search News, In ReviewSearch Month is a monthly newsletter that recaps stories covered on Search Engine Land over the past month. It’s also available by feed here. […]

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Below is what happened in search today, as reported on
Search Engine Land and from other
places across the web:

From Search Engine Land:

  • Search Month: May 2007 Search News, In Review

    Search Month is a monthly newsletter that recaps stories covered on Search Engine Land over the past month. It’s also available by feed here. Below, news about Search Engine Land itself, then our 10 most popular stories from May 2007, then a major story for various search topics along with…

  • thinkingVOICE And Clear Channel Take PPCall Outdoors

    Pay per phone call (PPCall) probably qualifies as something of a disappointment to date. While there has been adoption by advertisers and some good results, revenues have not kept pace with early expectations (which, admittedly, I helped create). In mobile it’s a natural business model and that may be the…

  • InfoSpace Launches Mobile Services Platform

    InfoSpace released a new mobile platform called “mCore.” Designed to help carriers provide a better user experience, the new platform offers mobile search, storefronts, portals and messaging. It’s also modular to enable carriers to use all or part of the platform. Simultaneously, InfoSpace announced Virgin Mobile in Europe and Verizon…

  • Google Maps Adds More Images, Earth Makes 3D Push

    The Google Earth Blog has an overview of a big, high resolution image update for Google Maps (also on Google Earth). The update is global. The two “platforms” are inching closer together with all KML files being indexed and discoverable now in Google Maps. Also, last week Google (on the…

  • Easy Way To Turn Off Google Personalized Results

    Aaron Wall reports from the SMX conference on an easy way to turn off personalized Google results. To turn off personalized search quickly, for specific search results, just add “&pws=0” to the end of the URL string in your browser. Here is an example URL string for a search on…

  • Sina Corp, Large Chinese Portal, To Partner With Google

    China’s Sina, Google team up on China services from Reuters reports that one of China’s largest portals is to work with Google on news, ads and search. Sina Corp. and Google China did not reveal the details of this agreement. The president of Google China, Lee Kai-Fu, said “In the…

  • YouTube API, Mobile & iGoogle Gadget

    Over the weekend, we had several articles on YouTube come out, including ones talking about YouTube working on a new API, a new mobile platform and even an iGoogle Gadget….

  • Shi Tao, Jailed Chinese Reported, Joins U.S. Lawsuit Against Yahoo

    Jailed Chinese reporter sues Yahoo over his imprisonment from the International Herald Tribune reports Shi Tao, the Chinese reported who was sentenced to jail allegedly because Yahoo Hong Kong and Yahoo China sent data to China that led to his arrest, has joined the U.S. lead lawsuit against Yahoo. The…

  • Google Heats Up Antitrust Claims Over Microsoft

    Google Intensifies Microsoft Fight from the Wall Street Journal reports that the 50-page white paper sent by Google to the Justice Department says Windows Vista operating-system puts Microsoft at an unfair advantage over the competition. The Wall Street Journal explains that Vista “makes it hard for consumers to use rival…

  • Taking Care Of Business By Taking Care Of The Customer: Five Tips For Local Search

    Keep the needs of consumers at the forefront. In my last couple “Locals Only” columns, I’ve mentioned the importance of this in passing, and this month I’m dedicating this space to expanding on this notion and offering specific tips. Much of what is said and written about the emergence…

  • Social Link Manipulation

    The term “Social Media” is used ad nauseum to describe an ever growing collection of tools and services by which people share content, links, opinions, experience and perspectives with each other. Keeping up with the latest Social Media services and sites can make you dizzy. Wikipedia now lists 21…

  • Google Bad On Privacy? Maybe It’s Privacy International’s Report That Sucks

    It’s a bad privacy day for Google, with Privacy International first accusing the company of having the worst privacy performance of any internet service company in a study it has just released and then accusing Google of conducting a smear campaign against it. But if you actually read the report,…

  • Happy 10th Birthday, Search Engine Watch – A History Of The Site

    Ten years ago today, I created Search Engine Watch. Now I’m here at Search Engine Land, but since I ran SEW for 95 percent of its existence, I thought it would be nice to look back and cover how it evolved and changed over the years. So here’s a stroll…

  • MacMillian CEO Charkin Steals Google Laptops To “Prove” Book Scanning Point

    Via Techdirt, Book publisher steals Google laptops from The Register covers the jaw-dropping action of Richard Charkin, CEO of Macmillian Publishing, stealing laptops from a Google booth at BookExpo America to try and prove a point about Google "stealing" books for its book search service. Blogged Charkin: Our justification for…

  • Good News, Bad News: LookSmart CFO Resigns, Company Ups Guidance

    According to this SEC filing/press release (thanks Gary Price), LookSmart CFO and COO John Simonelli announced his intention to resign. LookSmart has been struggling for several years to regain respect and traction following the loss of the company’s deal with Microsoft/MSN, which sent it into something of a tailspin. Since…

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About the author

Barry Schwartz
Barry Schwartz is a technologist and a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics.

In 2019, Barry was awarded the Outstanding Community Services Award from Search Engine Land, in 2018 he was awarded the US Search Awards the "US Search Personality Of The Year," you can learn more over here and in 2023 he was listed as a top 50 most influential PPCer by Marketing O'Clock.

Barry can be followed on X here and you can learn more about Barry Schwartz over here or on his personal site.

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