SearchCap: The Day In Search, July 5, 2007

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: AOL: Tomorrow’s Google Free Friday Alternative Tomorrow is the first of the Google Free Fridays that Search Engine Land is promoting in July. As our previous This July: Try Google-Free Fridays! […]

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Below is what happened in search today, as reported on
Search Engine Land and from other
places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • AOL: Tomorrow’s
    Google Free Friday Alternative

    Tomorrow is the first of the Google Free Fridays that Search Engine Land is
    promoting in July. As our previous This July: Try Google-Free Fridays! post
    explains, the point is to encourage people to open their eyes to some of the
    other major search engines, whether it to be to…
  • History Of AOL

    In preparation for those trying AOL tomorrow as part of our first Google-Free
    Friday, I thought it would be helpful to give some background on AOL in
    search. AOL has long offered search — and even owned several web crawling
    technologies — over the years. Don’t forget to read AOL:…
  • Deconstructing
    Grouped Google Results

    My favorite session at SMX Advanced last month was "Give It Up," the session
    where panelists shared little-known secrets. I’m a little biased, since that
    was the panel I spoke on. But still, as the last session of the two days, it
    really ended the conference with a bang….
  • eBay Brings
    Classifieds Site Kijiji To The U.S.

    According to the Newspaper Association of America, U.S. print newspaper
    classified advertising was worth about $17 billion in 2006. The category has
    been under pressure for years from top online verticals, some of which are
    owned by newspapers, eBay, Craigslist and, now, new aggregators and
    destinations such as Oodle ,…
  • FAST Buys
    Recommendations Engine AgentArts

    Enterprise search provider FAST Search & Transfer has acquired personalization
    platform and recommendations engine AgentArts. The technology will be folded
    into FAST’s various enterprise search offerings, which include a range of site
    search and monetization options for online publishers. The company also has a
    mobile search partnership with InfoSpace. FAST…
  • The Challenges
    Of Bringing Search Marketing In-House

    Many organizations are making the transition from using an agency for search
    marketing to bringing it in-house and along with this transition comes many
    challenges. To find out how organizations cope with the transition, we posed
    the following question to some of the top in-house SEO analysts: What is…
  • Profile Of
    Susan Wojcicki: Mother Of AdSense

    The house that helped build Google from the USA Today looks back at how Susan
    Wojcicki’s decision to let Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, rent
    out space in her garage changed her life and ours. Wojcicki purchased her
    4-bedroom home on 232 Santa Margarita Ave. for about $600,000…
  • eBay Partners
    With Yahoo To Create "eBay Toolbar"

    eBay Launches Yahoo Co-Branded Toolbar from AuctionBytes reports that eBay has
    partnered with Yahoo to co-brand a toolbar. The eBay Toolbar not only allows
    you to search the complete web, but also enables you to search eBay properties
    such as eBay, eBay Express and You can also easily access…
  • Naver, The
    Google Of South Korea

    Crowd’s wisdom helps South Korean search engine beat Google and Yahoo from the
    New York Times describes South Korea’s most popular search engine, Naver.
    Naver currently has a 77 percent share of all searches from within South
    Korea. follows with 10.8 percent, Yahoo with just 4.4 percent and
  • Finding
    Customers Through Anti-Commercial Queries

    There’s a fallacy that sellers create for themselves, that most people go
    online to spend money. — Ammon Johns, from How Many Search Queries Are Really
    Unique?, I checked the AOL database :-) You research a niche for a business
    online, and find a genuine need in an area…
  • Understanding
    Your Audience With Search, B2B Style

    Isn’t it funny how things have a way of coming full circle? It’s been years
    since I last talked with my mentor, but his sage advice rings true today more
    than ever. He told me that anyone can ramble on about anything without regard
    for their audience, but that…

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About the author

Danny Sullivan
Danny Sullivan was a journalist and analyst who covered the digital and search marketing space from 1996 through 2017. He was also a cofounder of Third Door Media, which publishes Search Engine Land and MarTech, and produces the SMX: Search Marketing Expo and MarTech events. He retired from journalism and Third Door Media in June 2017. You can learn more about him on his personal site & blog He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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